Maximizing Tax Relief for Disability-Related Medical Expenses

Are you claiming your full tax relief for disability-related medical expenses? As a person with a disability or someone caring for a disabled loved one, you may qualify for significant tax deductions, income exclusions, and credits. Understanding and leveraging these benefits could significantly alleviate your tax burden.

May I Claim?

To claim SARS' disability tax credits, the impairment must significantly impact daily life and be confirmed by a registered medical practitioner. It could be physical, sensory, communication, intellectual, or mental, lasting more than a year and meeting specific criteria. Treatment's effectiveness determines eligibility for disability or physical impairment classification.

What can I claim?

SARS outlines eligible disability-related expenses, including travel, personal care, home modifications, aids/devices, prosthetics, prescription items, and services like special education or rehabilitative therapy. Expenditure must be directly associated with the qualifying disability.

How do I claim?

Tax relief for medical expenses is facilitated through a medical tax credit system, covering medical scheme fees (MTC) and additional medical expenses (AMTC). AMTC applies to various medical expenses, including those related to disability, albeit capped at taxes payable. The relief depends on the taxpayer's circumstances and the nature of the disability.

How does SARS Define Disability?

For tax purposes, a disability is characterized by a moderate to severe limitation in a person’s ability to perform daily activities due to physical, sensory, communication, intellectual, or mental impairments. To qualify for tax rebates, the condition must be diagnosed by a registered medical practitioner and persist for over a year with effects remaining moderate to severe post-treatment.

Steps for a Successful Claim



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3rd Floor Regus House
Fairview Office Park
Ring Road, Port Elizabeth